History draft; handwriting of and ; docket in handwriting of Robert L. Campbell; 27 pages; CHL. This manuscript covers the period from 1 January 1843 to 3 March 1843.
when I was preaching in a Quaker called my <out> for a sign I told him to be still. After Sermon he again asked for a sign. I told the congregation the man was an Adulterer, <that> a wicked and adultrous generation seeketh after a sign, and that the Lord had said to me in a revelation that any man who wanted a sign was an Adulterous person, “it is true,” cried one, “for I caught him in the very act.” which the man afterwards confessed when he was .
A was held at Boylston Hall, , this day, when 14 Branches of the <in and the vicinity> were represented, comprising 793 members, 33 Elders, 43 lesser officers— most of whom had been raised up in about fifteen months. , , , and , and others, took active parts in the Conference
<Friday 10.> After conversation with and others I reviewed the history of the mob in , and my first journey to . At 3 oclock afternoon attended a Council of the at my house, viz , , , , . , , , I requested <that all> business to be presented in short, <briefly and without comments,> with no explanation, and told the Council that I had an interview with this morning, he is a <that he was> delegated by the Inhabitants of (which is 20 miles above this, on the ) to come to and petition that “a talented Mormon Preacher take up his residence with them and they would find him a good house and give him support, with liberty for him to invite as many Mormons to settle in that place as may please so to do.” Council decided that brother Bear go and preach to them—after I suggested that a general meeting be called in the in relation to the Post Office and other things. and that instructed the Council to call to with his family, and to say that he is ordered to come by the , and that he preach no more till he comes.
at 5 o clock I opened a Mayors Court at my house, when Sheriff deputy Sheriff, presented before the Court for stealing goods from the Store of on the 23rd of January, when confesseddeclared before the court that he had been visited many times by the Ancient of days that he sat with <him> on the 9th. 10th. & 11th days of last June, and should sit in Counsel again with <him> the Ancient of Days on tuesday next that he had <had> a mission from him to the four quarters of the world; that he had been and established the twelve of , and had visited them all, except one in the South that he had suffered much for two or three years for want of clothing that he despised a thief except to cloathe himself that he opened the Store of on the 23rd of January and took out the goods then present (several hundred pieces) hid them in the corn field and carried them home from time to time under the same roof with and that no one knew anything about [p. 15]