<7> Satuday May 7. “The was on parade by vi[r]tue of the an order of the 25 of January last 1842 and was reviewed by <Leit> Gen Joseph Smith who commanded through the day,— one year since the Legion consited of 2 6 companies; to day of 26 companis, amounting to about 2000 troops. The consolidated staff of the Legion, <with their Ladies> partook of a sumptuous dinner at the house of the commander in Chief between 1 & 3 ok P.M. The weather was very fine, which In the PM. the Legion was seperated into Cohorts, and fought an animated Sham battle; the fi[r]st Cohort under the command of Gen , the 2d under the Gen . At the close of the parade, Lieut Gen Josph Smith delivered a most animating <& appopiate> address, in which he remarked that “his soul had <was> never been better satisfied, than on that <this> occasion” Such was the intent (Legion 2) above” (Legion history) In addition to this “Legion history” <“quotation”> I would remark that the day passed very harminisly without drunkeness, noise, or confusion, There was an emmense concourse of Spectators and many distinguished strangers, who expessed much satisfation,— but one thing I will notice. I was solicited by to take command of the fir[s]t cohort during the Sham battle. This I declined. next requested me to take my statien in rear of the cavolry, without my guard Staff, during the engagemet, but this was counteracted by Capt. Col. , Capt <Commander> of my <life> guards who kept close to my side & I chose my own position, and if Gen <true> feelings towds me, are not made manifest to the world in a very sho[r]t time, then may it <may> be possible, that the gentle whisperings <breathings> of that spi[r]it which whispered me on paradee that there was “mischief concealed in that Sham battle,” may be <were> false. A little <short> time will determine the point. Let answer at the day of Judgme[n]t. Why did you reque[s]t me to <command one of the cohorts, & also to> take my position <without my staff— >, during the sham battle on the 7thof May 1842, where my life might have been the forfeit, and no man have known who did it? the deed?—
a violent shock of an Earthquaqe is reported to have been experinced at the Islnd of St. Domingo, 20 mi past 7 P M. this day. it was also felt at at St Marc Gonaives , <&> Cape Haytien and at varius places from Port Au Prince to the base of the rocky Mountains compising a distance of 1500 miles at San Jago de Cuba. the cathedral and several extensive buildings were porstrated. [p. 12]