JS, Journal, 16 Nov. 1835.
Revelation, 20 July 1831 [D&C 57:1–3].
JS, Journal, 30 Nov. and 1 Dec. 1835.
Deuteronomy 30:1–4.
Deuteronomy 30:7.
Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., 487 [3 Nephi 16, especially verses 4–12].
Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., 497 [3 Nephi 20:22].
The Book of Mormon identifies the American continent as the place where the New Jerusalem would stand, but the “spot of land” was revealed to be in Jackson County, Missouri, in a July 1831 JS revelation. (Revelation, 20 July 1831 [D&C 57:1–2]; Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., 566 [Ether 13:4–6]; see also Letter to the Elders of the Church, 30 Nov.–1 Dec. 1835.)
Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., 566 [Ether 13:4–6]; see also Letter to the Elders of the Church, 30 Nov.–1 Dec. 1835.
See Isaiah 45:13.
See Malachi 4:6.